One Month wellness program

Take charge of your own health. There will be 9 sessions of Yoga and Pranayama and 3 sessions to understand your current lifestyle. We make sustainable changes in your lifestyle centering to the nature laws and reconnecting with wisdom of body, its design and function. This will enable you to bring back and hold safely – Health in your hands


  • Through understanding of body & mind with an action plan
  • To learn to reflect and asses the day regularly
  • To feel capable and empowered in managing day to day stresses and health issues


Expectations from participants:

  • Wholeheartedness in participation
  • Commitment in carrying out exercises
  • Open, honest and free flowing communication


Siddhi Mankar


Hi Snehal, thank you very much for introducing me to this amazing wellness program. You helped me in understanding a lot of concepts with being polite and calm throughout the course. I understand my body much better than i used to before. Moreover the health issue I was facing since few years is recovering so well now. And now I know how to take care of myself in better ways. Thank you again ☺️

Dr. Prajakta Nimbalkar

Dermatologist Nagpur

she has in- depth and excellent knowledge about the subject. Her sessions are engaging and she is very helpful and patient to teach difficult yoga techniques.

Shweta Tathe

works at Cisco Mumbai

A life changing experience for me. Never realised what an unhealthy lifestyle we follow unknowingly. 4 weeks of this course was a huge eye opener for me. It not only helped me check my weight and start eating healthy, it also helps in keeping your mind focused and at peace during your day to day routine. What I loved about this course is that it is very simple to follow without disturbing your daily work routine. Snehal was there all the way long encouraging me and closely keeping a tab on the day to day progress, she was always there whenever I had any query. Overall it was a superb experience done in a fun way. I am continuing this lifestyle even after the course is completed. Would highly recommend it to everyone who is looking for a holistic healing experience.